Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Nails

Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and I hope it was a wonderful day surrounded by people you love! Of course I had to do a little something for the holidays on my nails, but was very limited by the supplies I brought with me to my parents house. So, just a simple little red and green manicure with some gold glitter did the trick!
Here is what I used for this manicure:
Polishes: L'Oreal - Caught Red Handed
               Sinful Colors - Exotic Green
               Sephora by OPI - The Golden Age
Tools: Triangle Makeup Sponge

I forgot to bring both my base and top coat, so I simply did two coats of either the red L'Oreal polish or three coats of the green Sinful Colors polish to create the base. Then, I painted the gold glitter onto a triangle makeup sponge to concentrate it without having too much liquid and dabbed it onto the tips of my nails. I tried to go for a bit of a glitter gradient by applying more on the tips and less toward the center of the nail. 

The results were quite festive and sparkly! Happy holidays to all!


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